W. A. Mozart - Requiem

Chamber choir "In Sacris" together with symphonic orchestra and soloists perform Requiem in D minor by W. A. Mozart at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" for the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the university's founding.

Concert at the Archaeological Museum in Plovdiv

Concert at the Archaeological Museum in Plovdiv together with Mixed youth choir "Gaudeamus", Plovdiv.

Concert for the Day of Europe and the Day of St. St. Cyrill and Method

Concert for the Day of Europe and the Day of St. St. Cyrill and Method with the participation of choir "St. St. Cyrill and Method", Sofia and Youth chamber choir "Gaudeamus", Plovdiv

9th International Festival in Pomorie

In June 2012 the choir participated at the 9th International Festival for Orthodox Music "Theotokos - It Is Truly Meet", Pomorie.

Event "See Bulgaria"

On the occasion of the Day of the Enlighteners of Republic Bulgaria the members of the European Parliament invite you to the event "See Bulgaria".

8th International Festival in Pomorie

In June 2011 the choir participated at the 8th International Festival for Orthodox Music "Theotokos - It Is Truly Meet", Pomorie.

Concert Insacris Europae

"Insacris Europae" - among the sanctuaries of Europe - concert with the participation of choir "St. St. Cyrill and Method" and ensemble "In Sacris".

8th Festival of Sacral Music, Gabrovo 2010

In October 2010 the choir participated in the 8th Festival of Sacral Music, Gabrovo 2010.

Concert tour in Germany

Concert tour in Germany in Munich and the Thuringen province.

Concert at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Concert at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" on the initiative of the Italian Cultural Institute in Sofia, in connection with the performance of the unknown until now piece of several Italian composers, contemporaries of Monteverdi, dedicated to the wedding of duke Fernando dei Medicci with Christina di Lorena.
